Simon's CST Activities Blog
"An absolute treasure trove of ideas and materials for stimulating and enjoyable activities." (Facilitator) "My long-term memory is quite good and using it makes me feel great." (Member)
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is a non-pharmacological approach for people with mild to moderate dementia recommended by 'The National Institute For Clinical Excellence' (NICE, 'Dementia Guideline NG97') to promote and maintain cognition, well-being and independence, in addition to reducing social isolation. Usually, a short programme of fourteen CST sessions is offered, following the 'Making A Difference' programme (see 'Resources' page). However, many settings now offer ongoing 'Maintenance CST' sessions and this blog aims to support and inform those activities.
Simon's Dementia Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Activities Blog provides a free and open access library of themed activities resources to support maintenance CST for people with mild to moderate dementia (and other forms of cognitive impairment). Over 250 'off the shelf' CST activities pages are available (see 'Contents' page), providing individuals & care partners and activities planners & group facilitators with a library of tried and tested materials to use in CST practice.
Some key principles:
- Supports Fun & Friendship
- Age Appropriate Content
- Reminiscence Based Materials
- Focus On Music & Visual Media
- Seasonal Activities Pages To Aid Orientation
- Overall Aim To Share Best Practice
- Free & Open Access To All
Please note: For people with mild to moderate dementia who live at home and do not have access to a CST group, I have recently started creating web-based activities pages which can be accessed at www.youtube.com/@simondementia
Why not take a look? ...