Creative Arts Gallery

Last updated 7 August 2022
Welcome to the 'Creative Arts Gallery' for people living well with dementia related diagnoses to showcase their best work.
Please share your / your CST group's best drawings, paintings, poems, (photos of) sculptures, photographs and anything else that showcases your artistic talents.
Send original copy to me at
Please read 'Rules Of Engagement' below

'Friendship Banner'
Cardiff & Vale Young Onset CST Group

Activity: First, fill a bottle with black acrylic paint. Next, squeeze the bottle over paper to create abstract designs. Then, use watercolours/coloured pencils to fill in the unique shapes. This activity is super simple to create and makes a focused activity for creativity.
Thanks @HWilderAct for this wonderful idea x

'Rose Court', Radcliffe, Manchester
We have had so much fun working with different types of paints. The residents' favourite has been the pouring acrylic paints.
Allison Porter
Wellbeing Coordinator

'Monet' inspired painting by Kevin B of the Cardiff & Vale Cariad Group

'Self Portrait With Alzheimer's' - acrylic collage

Gail Gregory. @GailGre59728262

Julie Hayden @JulieHa55928392

Residents of Rose Court, Manchester

Some lovely Adult Colouring Book Work
Eric, Paignton, Devon
Rules Of Engagement
1. If sharing your own work, please let me know if you want me to 'watermark' it to protect it from reproduction
2. If you want others to be able to contact you to discuss your work, or purchasing it, please let me know if you wish to include your email address alongside your art work
3. Please let me know your name and your home town, just to label your work. Also don't forget to include the title of your artwork
4. If sharing others' work, please obtain express permission before doing so
5. If sharing a CST group's work, don't forget to give me the name and location of the group.
NB. This is a not for profit website, focused entirely on wellbeing. I am not a paid staff member, rather my efforts are a volunteering contribution and just for fun!