"Every time I stand before a beautiful beach, its waves seem to whisper to me: If you choose the simple things and find joy in nature’s simple treasures, life and living need not be so hard." - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza
You could start the discussion by looking at the 2022 announcement regarding the 'Blue Flag Awards' for water and beach cleanliness. 185 British Isles beaches received the prestigious award. This year, in 2023, the number has drastically fallen to 77 beaches.
See here https://coastradar.com/blue-flag-beaches/united-kingdom/
Over recent months there has been mounting concern about raw sewage being dumped into rivers and sea water. What has changed so badly? Some say it is because Brexit has made getting cleansing chemicals more difficult, others say it is because water companies have not invested in infrastructure and rather given profits to executives and shareholders. Some say it is both!

Discuss whether water and sewage companies should be renationalised? What other solutions might there be?
Next, ask members whether they like visiting the beach and which are their favourite beaches to visit.
What are the things we can do to keep our beaches clean and safe? Ask members for ideas:
- take litter home with you & leave nothing behind except footprints
- pick up any litter you see, especially if it could be hazardous to people or animals
- leave the beach as it is, take nothing home with you
- park in designated areas and stick to footpaths.
What would people pack in a beach bag if they were to spend the afternoon at the seaside. Here is a list of possible contents:
- floppy hat,
- sunglasses,
- beach towel,
- beach ball,
- bikini or bathers,
- sun cream,
- bottle of water,
- picnic basket, with some sandwiches crisps and an apple
- a beach blanket,
- camping chair or deckchair,
- parasol and windbreak
- snorkel and goggles and flippers,
- music player and earphones,
- insect repellent,
- a bottle of wine,
- maybe a jumper!
We next remembered childhood visits to the seaside.
- Miner's week and bus and train visits to Barry Island
- Staying at Butlins
- Visiting the funfair
- How dirty the water used to be!
Song break ...

Here is an early opportunity for a singalong ...

Next, ask members to complete the following phrases together, by way of a shout out:
Big fish in a small POND
Drink like a FISH
Like a fish out of WATER
A whale of a TIME
The world is your OYSTER
Keep something at BAY
The coast is CLEAR
A drop in the OCEAN
Like a beached WHALE
A loan SHARK
Any port in a STORM
Plenty more fish in the SEA
Tip of the ICEBERG
Turn back the TIDE
Neither fish nor FOWL
Have bigger fish to FRY
Rock the BOAT
Run a tight SHIP
Making WAVES
Packed in like SARDINES

![]() | 1. Renting a deckchair This advert says it cost 6d a day. What was the common name of a sixpence? |
![]() | 2. Building a sandcastle What is the main constituent of UK sand? |
![]() | 3. Rockpooling How many legs does a starfish always have? |
![]() | 4. Walking on the beach What is the furthest you can be from the sea anywhere in the UK? |
![]() | 5. Paddling What is the average sea temperature in the UK during August? |
![]() | 6. Swimming What percentage of salt does seawater contain? |
![]() | 7. Surfing What is the surfing capital of the UK? |
![]() | 8. Flying a kite What is the name of the scale which tells you how strong the wind is? |
![]() | 9. Sunbathing What does the saying "Slip, slap, slop" mean? |
![]() | 10. Renting a beach hut How much is it to rent a beach hut (in summer months - Barry Island)? |
![]() | 11. Taking in the view What is the view from Cold Knap in Barry? What power station can you see being built? |

12. Having a picnic?
What would you like to see included in your favourite picnic?

Try saying this tongue-twister together ...
"She sells seashells on the seashore,
The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure,
For if she sells seashells on the seashore,
Then I'm sure she sells sea shore shells"

Song break. 'Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini', Brian Hyland -
Who wore, or still wears, a bikini?
![]() | 12. Ropey weather Where is this local lighthouse? Who likes watching the waves during a storm? |
![]() | 13. Being attacked by a seagull? How long do seagulls live? |
![]() | 14. Getting sunburned? What SPF sun cream should you wear? What does SPF stand for? |
![]() | 15. Getting stung by a jellyfish? Does it help to have someone pee on the sting? |
![]() | 16. Finding litter How old do you think this 'Walker's Crisps' bag that was found on Treyarnon Bay in Cornwall is? |
![]() | 17. Stepping in dog poo What is the fine for leaving dog poo on the beach? |
![]() | 18. Getting stung by a wasp Do wasps or bees die after they sting you? |
![]() | 19. Watching a 'Punch & Judy' show? Why did this form of entertainment fall into disrepute? "That's the way to do it!" |
![]() | 20. Donkey rides What noise does a donkey make? What is a female donkey called? |
![]() | 21. Flotsam & Jetsam What are 'Flotsam & Jetsam'? |
![]() | 22. Rip currents What does this flag mean? |

23. Going to the funfair
Name as many funfair rides as you can?
What is your favourite?
Ad break ...

Before watching, can anyone guess the lady's name?

Song break. 'Beyond The Sea', Bobby Darin -
What is your nearest beach? How does it rank in terms of cleanliness and attractiveness?
Name the beaches. Here are clues ...
24. 'Gavin And Stacey' was filmed here?
25. Called Island is just off the coast near this Welsh beach?
26. Name this North West seaside resort with a famous tower, where 'Strictly Come Dancing' is filmed once each year?
27. 'The Waverley' & 'Balmoral' sail from this South Wales pier?
28. Where would you find this pier on the South coast?
29. This is the most famous beach in Hawaii?
30. 'Christ The Redeemer' overlooks this beach?
31. This is the most famous surfing beach in Australia?
32. The 2000 movie 'The Beach', starring Leonardo De Caprio, was filmed here?
Can anyone name any other famous beaches?
Ad break ...

Before playing, can anyone guess the advertising slogan?

Song break. 'Copacabana', Barry Manilow -
How old is Barry Manilow? (80 years)

33. What is this ice cream called?
34. What might you put on a portion of chips?
35. What are these apples dipped in?
36. What do Americans call this?
37. What is the most common flavour of a stick of rock?
38. What type of sausage is used in a hot dog?
39. What English county is this savoury snack associated with?
40. Where might you find this eaten very often?
41. What two flavours are commonplace in donuts?
42. Name as many shellfish as you can?

Song break. 'Molly Malone', The Dubliners - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diUkiTs1gxM
What did she die of? (A fever)
Name the TV show or movie + answer the following questions ...
43. Who was his best and only friend?
44. What was the name of the ship?
45. What was this character's name and who played her?
46. What animal did he imagine when he thought about his mother in law?
47. Name the other two characters?
48. What was the name of the hairdresser's?
49. Where was it set?
50. Name the characters?
51. Name the actors?
52. Name the beach/island?
53. Name his volleyball friend?
54. Who did she used to talk to?
Ad break ...

What is this original song? ("A life on the ocean wave.")
'Good Vibrations', The Beach Boys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apBWI6xrbLY
'The Dock Of The Bay', Otis Reading - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVjnBo96Ug
(We asked members to whistle along to the final chorus.)
'Under The Boardwalk', The Drifters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPEqRMVnZNU
'The Tide Is High', Blondie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppYgrdJ0pWk
'Stranger On The Shore', Aka Bilk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jzx664u5DA
'On The Beach', Chris Rea - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yXVufG5oV0
'Surfin' USA', The Beach Boys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4slliAtQU
'Sailing', Rod Stewart - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOt3oQ_k008
'Kokomo', The Beach Boys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP07Oyr7enQ

Some members may find this poem a comfort.

Paint some pebbles with fish and other sea creatures. Acrylic paints are probably best.
When they have dried, remind members to take themes home.

Next members went to spend some time in the 'Sun Room' that we are fortunate to have available locally. This is a room with 'real sunlight' (artificial), deckchairs, sand on the floor, sounds of seabirds and waves and Hawaiian leis to wear. It is aimed at promoting relaxation and reminiscence.
Take a look at this website for more information. http://www.realsunlight.co.uk/casestudies/
You could also enjoy fish and chips together ...

This advert says it cost 6d a day. What was the common name of a sixpence?
What is the main constituent of UK sand?
How many legs does a starfish always have?
What is the furthest you can be from the sea anywhere in the UK?
What is the average sea temperature in the UK during August?
What percentage of salt does seawater contain?
What is the surfing capital of the UK?
What is the name of the scale which tells you how strong the wind is?
What does the saying "Slip, slap, slop" mean?
"slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, and slap on a hat"
How much is it to rent a beach hut (in summer months - Barry Island)?
Small Huts: Full Day £21.80
Large Huts: Full Day £37.20
What is the view from Cold Knap in Barry?
What power station can you see being built?
Where is this local lighthouse?
How long do seagulls live?
What SPF sun cream should you wear?
What does SPF stand for?
Does it help to have someone pee on the sting?
How old do you think this 'Walker's Crisps' bag that was found on Treyarnon Bay in Cornwall is?
What is the fine for leaving dog poo on the beach?
Do wasps or bees die after they sting you?
Why did this form of entertainment fall into disrepute?
What noise does a donkey make?
What is a female donkey called?
What are 'Flotsam & Jetsam'?
Flotsam is defined as debris in the water that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often as a result from a shipwreck or accident. Jetsam describes debris that was deliberately thrown overboard by a crew of a ship in distress, most often to lighten the ship's load.
What does this flag mean?
Funfair rides
BARRY ISLAND (WHITMORE BAY) - 'Gavin And Stacey' was filmed here?
TENBY - Called Island is just off the coast near this Welsh beach?
BLACKPOOL - Name this North West seaside resort with a famous tower, where 'Strictly Come Dancing' is filmed once each year?
PENARTH - The Waverley' & 'Balmoral' sail from this South Wales pier?
BRIGHTON - Where would you find this pier on the South coast?
WAIKIKI - This is the most famous beach in Hawaii?
COPACABANA - 'Christ The Redeemer' overlooks this beach?
BONDAI BEACH - This is the most famous surfing beach in Australia?
MAYA BAY, THAILAND - The 2000 movie 'The Beach', starring Leonardo De Caprio, was filmed here?
99 - What is this ice cream called?
SALT, VINEGAR, TOMATO SAUCE, GRAVY, CURRY SAUCE ETC - What might you put on a portion of chips?
TOFFEE - What are these apples dipped in?
COTTON CANDY - What do Americans call this?
SPEARMINT - What is the most common flavour of a stick of rock?
FRANKFURTER - What type of sausage is used in a hot dog?
CORNWALL - What English county is this savoury snack associated with?
EAST END OF LONDON - Where might you find this eaten very often?
RASPBERRY & CUSTARD - What two flavours are commonplace in donuts?
Name as many shellfish as you can?
ROBINSON CRUSOE - Who was his best and only friend? - MAN FRIDAY
CAPTAIN PUGWASH - What was the name of the ship? - 'THE BLACK PIG'
HI DI HI - What was this character's name and who played her? GLADYS PUGH/RUTH MADOC
THE RISE AND FALL OF REGINALD PERRIN - What animal did he imagine when he thought about his mother in law? - HIPPOPOTAMUS
GAVIN AND STACEY - Name the other two characters? NESSA & SMITHY
BENIDORM - What was the name of the hairdresser's? - BLOW & GO'
POLDARK - Name the characters? ROSS & DEMELZA
JAWS - Name the beach/island? AMITY
CASTAWAY - Name his volleyball friend? - WILSON
SHIRLEY VALENTINE - Who did she used to talk to? - WALL
Who has tried any of these products?

Who ever sent a beach postcard? Where from?

What is a 'Sloop'?
a. A gin based cocktail
b. A raincoat
c. A sailing boat
Factoid. What are 'Flotsam' and 'Jetsam'?
Both are marine debris. Flotsam comes from the word 'float' and usually results from a shipwreck; Jetsam comes from the word 'jettison' and is waste deliberately discarded at sea.

Drunken Sailor
What shall we do with the drunken sailor? What shall we do with the drunken sailor? What shall we do with the drunken sailor? Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Put him in the scuppers with the lee rail under Put him in the scuppers with the lee rail under Put him in the scuppers with the lee rail under Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Put him in the brig until he's sober Put him in the brig until he's sober Put him in the brig until he's sober Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Put him in a whaler, make him pull her Put him in a whaler, make him pull her Put him in a whaler, make him pull her Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Shave his belly with a rusty razor Shave his belly with a rusty razor Shave his belly with a rusty razor Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Put him in a bunk with the captain's daughter Put him in a bunk with the captain's daughter Put him in a bunk with the captain's daughter Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Have you seen the captain's daughter? Have you seen the captain's daughter? Have you seen the captain's daughter? Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'
Keel-haul him, keel-haul him Keel-haul him, keel-haul him Keel-haul him, keel-haul him Ear'ly in the mornin'
Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Hoo-ray and up she rises Ear'ly in the mornin'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUoH_HuxGcQ (Lyric video)
I am sailing I am sailing Home again 'Cross the sea I am sailing Stormy waters To be near you To be free
I am flying I am flying Like a bird 'Cross the sky I am flying Passing high clouds To be near you To be free
Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Through the dark night, far away I am dying, forever crying To be with you, who can say Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Through the dark night, far away I am dying, forever crying To be with you, who can say?
We are sailing, we are sailing Home again 'Cross the sea We are sailing Stormy waters To be near you To be free
Oh, Lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh, my Lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh, my Lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh, Lord

My Heart Will Go On
Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time And last for a lifetime And never let go 'til we're gone
Love was when I loved you One true time I'd hold to In my life, we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on (why does the heart go on?) Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on
You're here, there's nothing I fear And I know that my heart will go on We'll stay forever this way You are safe in my heart and My heart will go on and on