"Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By God's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.
And what shall we do with him? Burn him!"
With the 5th November fast approaching, we chose 'Bonfire Night' as our theme for this week's 'CST Friendship Group' session.
We asked members to come along with stories of their best ever 'Bonfire Night'. We also asked them to wear their favourite hat and scarf, for a short time at least.
Next we asked, 'Who likes fireworks and Bonfire Night'? Who hates the noise and shuts the curtains? What are the things people like and dislike about the occasion?
- The colours and bangs
- The excitement of the crowd and shared experience
- The smell of burning wood and cordite
- The food and drink
- The celebration of an annual occasion based in reminiscence
- The noise
- The remains of spent fireworks
- Unwanted fires
- Injuries
- Inevitably, it will rain!

A reminder that 'Classic FM' plays a 'Pet Classics' show to calm your animals during the fireworks from 5-9 pm on Saturday 2nd & Tuesday 5th November. It's a lovely show to enjoy if you're not that into 'Bonfire Night'.
Next we completed the following phrases together ...
No smoke without - FIRE
Flash in the - PAN
Bang out of - ORDER
Fire in your - BELLY
Sky at - NIGHT
It's not rocket - SCIENCE
Light the blue touch - PAPER
Burn the candle at both - ENDS
Baptism of - FIRE
My ears are - BURNING
Fire and - BRIMSTONE
Put that in your pipe and - SMOKE IT
Out of the frying pan, into the - FIRE
All smoke and - MIRRORS
Money burns a hole in - YOUR POCKET
Set the world on - FIRE
Smoke like a - CHIMNEY
Song break ...

'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes', The Platters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64NTy-rhnr8
What did this song advertise in the 1970s? (Clue. The advert tagline started with "Boom, boom, boom, boom ...")
They asked me how I knew My true love was true I of course replied, something here inside Cannot be denied
They said some day you'll find All who love are blind When your heart's on fire, you must realise Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet today my love has flown away I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide, hide So I smile and say, when a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes
![]() | In which country did fireworks originate 2000 years ago?
![]() | Which 'Maid Of Orleans' was burned at the stake in 1431?
![]() | Which king was Guido Fawkes trying to overthrow in 'The Gunpowder Plot' in 1605? (FACTOID: Guido Fawkes was from York.) |
![]() | What were the gunpowder plotters trying to achieve? (FACTOID: There were 36 barrels of gunpowder!) |
![]() | Since 1605 what is done ceremonially on each 'State Opening of The Houses of Parliament' by the 'Yeomen Of The Guard'?
![]() | Where and when did the Great Fire of London start? (FACTOID: Only six people died!) |
![]() | What did we used to say, when asking for money for making a Guido Fawkes for the bonfire? (How much would we ask for these days?) |
![]() | What year did Windsor Castle burn? (It was HM Queen Elizabeth's "Annus horribilis") |
![]() | Which French cathedral burnt in April 2019? (Can anyone see Jesus in the flames?) |
![]() | On New Year's Eve, in which harbour city do we first see (on BBC 1) broadcast a magnificent fireworks display? |
![]() | What is the technical name for the art of making or displaying fireworks called?
Also, which landmark is pictured here?
![]() | Which company is the biggest purchaser of fireworks in the world? |
Song break ...

'When You Wish Upon A Star', Cliff Edwards, Disney Studio Chorus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2zzXBg3FcI
Which Disney film featured this song and which character sang it?
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

Next, we thought about things that remind us of 'Bonfire Night', these being:
- Preparation
- Foods
- Vintage fireworks
- Enjoyment

What might you need to prepare to enjoy a 'Fireworks Display'?
- Building a ...
- Checking for ...
- Getting the right clothes ready. What would you wear?
- Making sure the footwear is weatherproof. Name the ones shown?
- Buying a box of home fireworks (do members remember 'Standard Fireworks'?) How much would a box of home fireworks cost these days?
- Booking a display (who would rather go to a display?). How much would a ticket set you back?
- Why are lanterns being banned in many countries?
Are there any other things you might do by way of preparation?

Name these 'Bonfire Night Foods'?
- A savoury sausage snack (What is the name of the sausage put inside?) - A baked vegetable served with butter and salt and pepper
- A roasted nut
- A fruit dipped in sweet sticky stuff
- A ginger cake (very popular in Yorkshire)
- A hot alcoholic beverage
- A baked sweet
Can anyone think of any other firework favourite foods and drinks?
Complete the names of these old firework favourites?
- 'Sp******' (In terms of accident statistics, this is the most dangerous of all common fireworks. They burn at an extremely high heat: 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit!)
- 'Ro****' (You might have put these in a milk bottle dug into the ground before lighting them)
- 'Ca******* Wh***' (You would have nailed this to the fence)
- 'Ba*****' (You might have thrown these into neighbours gardens to frighten them - very naughty!)
- 'Ro*** Ca****' (They would burn high and fire out one or more high stars)
- 'Ja** I* T** B**' (This would shower different colours and make bangs)
- ''Ch***** Fi**********' (You might see these in China town)
- 'C***' (You would have had a toy gun to use these with)
- 'Ju***** Ja***' (These would spark and crackle and jump around the garden)
Can anyone think of any more vintage fireworks?

How much do you think a typical 'Round Table Fireworks Display' costs, in terms of a 15-20 event? (Bearing in mind major displays can cost £2000,000.)
Song break ...

'Great Balls Of Fire', Jerry Lee Lewis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMwq_D-DWsU
In the 1957 hit single 'Great Balls Of Fire' by Jerry Lee Lewis, what does too much love do to a man? ...
(FACTOID... Apparently 'Great Balls Of Fire' is a Southern American expression of surprise. Scarlett O'Hara says, "Great Balls of Fire! It's Rhett!" in the 1939 film 'Gone With The Wind'. However, it is thought it was included in this song for lewd reasons. Ahem!)
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
I laughed at love when I thought it was funny
But you came along and you moved me honey
I've changed my mind, this love is fine
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
Kiss me baby, woo, it feels good
Hold me baby, ooh, yeah, you gonna love me like a lover should
You're fine, so kind, I'm gonna tell this world that you're mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
I chew my nails, I twiddle my thumbs
I'm really nervous but it sure is fun
Come on baby, you drive me crazy
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
Ohhh, kiss me baby, woo-oooooo, feels good, yeah
Let me love you like a lover should.
You're fine. So kind.
I gonna tell this world that you're mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm real nervous but it sure is fun
Come on baby, you drive me crazy

Ad break. 'Edgar The Dragon' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xGW_M0O4xI
Before watching, which store produced this advert?
![]() | In which 1939 movie did Atlanta burn? Name these two characters? (Factoid. The set of 'King Kong' was burned down as the setting for the 'Burning Of Atlanta'?) |
![]() | In which 1940 movie did Danvers set fire to Manderley? Who wrote the book? |
![]() | Name the children's TV programme which focused on a fire station? Can anyone think of their names? |
![]() | Who wrote this series? Where was he born & baptised? |
![]() | Can anyone name these three stars of the 1974 movie 'Towering Inferno'? |
![]() | In which 1988 movie did Lieutenant Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) say "Nothing to see here."? |
![]() | What British military vehicles were used in the 2002 firefighter strikes? & What was the exercise guru on GMTV's real name? |
![]() | Name the children's TV character? T or F. London's Fire Chief asked for his name to be changed to 'Firefighter ***', to recognise the role of female firefighters? (NB. Channel 4 launched 40 years ago.) |
![]() | Which 1991 movie saw this chap shoot an arrow in Nottingham Castle to save his brother? Who played the part? Here is the movie song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0pdQU87dc8 |
![]() | What was the name of the bird in 'Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets'? What type of bird was he? What was his special power? |
![]() | What was the name of the wizard in 'Lord Of The Rings', who was a fireworks specialist? Here is one of his displays - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0XiuLj-pHA |
![]() | Who starred as Ethan Hunt in the 'Mission Impossible' movie series? How long was it before secret mission messages would self destruct? |
![]() | In the TV drama series 'London's Burning', what colour was the 'Watch'? |
Song break ...

'Boom Bang A Bang', Lulu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ew43u2gS0Y
In which year did Lulu win the Eurovision Song Contest?
(FACTOID: Lulu's real name is Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie.)
Come closer, come closer and listen The beat of my heart keeps on missing I notice it most when we're kissing Come closer and love me tonight That's right Come closer and cuddle me tight My heart goes Boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang When you are near Boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang Loud in my ear Pounding away, pounding away Won't you be mine? Boom bang-a-bang-bang all the time It's such a lovely feeling When I'm in your arms Don't go away I wanna stay my whole life through Boom bang-a-bang-bang Close to you Your smile is so warm and inviting The thought of your kiss is exciting So hold me and don't keep me waiting Come closer and love me tonight That's right Come closer and cuddle me tight My heart goes Boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang When you are near Boom bang-a-bang, boom bang-a-bang Loud in my ear Pounding away, pounding away Won't you be mine? Boom bang-a-bang-bang all the time It's such a lovely feeling When I'm in your arms Now you are near I wanna hear your heartbeat too Boom bang-a-bang-bang I love you It's such a lovely feeling When I'm in your arms Now you are near I wanna hear your heartbeat too Boom bang-a-bang-bang Boom bang-a-bang-bang Boom bang-a-bang-bang I love you

Fill in the gaps ...
We asked what 'R.O.S.P.A.' stands for?
Don’t drink A****** if setting off fireworks.
Keep fireworks in a closed B**.
Follow the instructions on each firework, using a T****.
Light them at arm’s length, using a T****.
Stand well B***.
Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off, it could still E******.
Never put fireworks in your P***** or T**** them.
Always supervise C******* around fireworks.
Light sparklers one at a time and wear G*****.
Never give sparklers to a child under F***.
Keep P*** indoors.
All fireworks should end by **PM.

Here is a reminder never to use fireworks when intoxicated ...

Does the phrase 'A Damp Squib' refer to a failed firework or a disappointment, or both? Or is it a sea creature?
- N.Y.E.
- C.N.Y. - I.D.
- B.D.
- D.
- W.
Can you think of any more?

A new occasion for fireworks is a 'Gender Reveal Party'.
What colour fireworks, or confetti bombs, would be for boys and girls?

What do people think about 'Drone Shows' as a replacement for fireworks displays? It's much kinder on the environment for sure. Here is the 'Guinness Book Of Records' biggest display of 1,002 drones in October 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdOTV2RH9IY
Ask members to choose one or two to play ...
![]() | Who composed the 'Music For The Royal Fireworks' in 1749? |
![]() | Which two unusual 'musical' instruments give 'The 1812 Overture' by Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky extra dramatic impact? (Listen carefully, from about 11.24 of this track - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BbT0E990IQ )
![]() | Who starred in the 1965 movie 'She', which was about an immortal woman who stays young by bathing in a blue flame? 'Eternal Flame', by The Bangles - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSoOFn3wQV4&list=RDuWqP7WWU62U&index=13 |
![]() | Johnny Cash sang about a 'Ring Of Fire' in 1963. Which horror character does a ring of fire protect you from? |
![]() | Who had the 1968 hit 'Fire' that starts with the line "I am the God of Hellfire, and I bring you Fire"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en1uwIzI3SE |
![]() | |
![]() | In which John Travolta movie did the 1976 song 'Disco Inferno' by The Trampps feature? |
![]() | Which boy band, with Lulu, had a hit with a cover of this song in 1993? (See later) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzB6CbM1U2g |
![]() | Which world leader did US President Donald Trump refer to as 'Little Rocket Man'? |
![]() | |
![]() |
Singalong ....

Help me escape this feeling of insecurity I need you so much but I don't think you really need me But if we all stand up in the name of love And state the case of what we're dreaming of I've got to say I only dream of you But like a thief in the night You took away the love that I knew
Relight my fire
Your love is my only desire
Relight my fire
'Cos I need your love
Turn back the times till the days when our love was new Do you remember? No matter what was happening I was there with you But if we all stand up for what we believe And maybe live within our possibilities The world would be wild for the dream So baby don't turn away Listen to what I gotta say
Relight my fire
Your love is my only desire
Relight my fire
'Cos I need your love
Relight my fire
Your love is my only desire
Relight my fire
'Cos I need your love
You gotta be strong enough to walk on through the night (yeah) There's a new day on the other side (yeah) You've got to have hope in your soul Just keep on walking, woah, woah, yeah
Strong enough to walk on through the night There's a new day on the other side You've got to have hope in you soul Keep on walking
Relight my fire Your love is my only desire Relight my fire 'Cos I need your love
Relight my fire Your love is my only desire Relight my fire 'Cos I need your love
Relight my fire Your love is my only desire Relight my fire 'Cos I need your love

We then tried to sing together 'London's Burning'.
This song is traditionally sung in a 'Round'. One verse starts, then on the next line another group starts the same verse... And so on!
London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.
London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.
London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.
Pour on water, pour on water.
Pour on water, pour on water.
This children's nursery rhyme is also about a fire...
Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
All except one,
And her name is Ann,
And she hid under the baking pan.

We asked if anyone still smokes cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, who had given up in earlier life, did anyone vape now?
We asked members to name some famous cigarette brands?
We asked what was the best selling brand of matches? We asked if anyone collected cigarette coupons, or anything else for that matter (e.g. beer mats, football cards, stamps etc)? We asked if anyone had collected 'Green Shield Stamps'? And asked people to guess at which store 'Greenshield Stamps' had transformed into? We asked if anyone uses candles at home, during a power cut, to scent the room or provide a relaxing ambience? We asked people to state what occasions you might see candles lit?

'Chopsticks' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jruN-ZTIdak
We asked, 'Which flamboyant musician always played his piano with a candelabra on top of it?

We ended our session with hot dogs, fried onions and sauces and other refreshments.

Round 1.
'Esso Blue'
Round 2.
Joan Of Arc
King James 1st
They wanted a Catholic King on the throne
They search the cellars of the Houses Of Parliament for explosives
Pudding Lane (In a bakery) on 2nd September 1666 (It lasted four days)
"Penny For The Guy!"
1992 - Three of her children's marriages also fell apart
Notre Dame in Paris
Sydney ('Sydney Harbour Bridge')
Pyrotechnics / 'London Eye'
'Pinocchio' / Jiminy Cricket
Round 3.
Building a bonfire
Checking for hedgehogs
Hats, scarves & gloves etc
Wellington Boots
£50 in Tesco, for a standard household box
About £12 per adult & £8 per child
Because animals ingest the remains which often include metal frames
Hot Dogs
Jacket Potatoes
Roasted Chestnuts
Toffee Apples
Mulled Wine
Toasted Marshmallows
Catherine Wheel
Roman Candle
Jack In The Box
Chinese Firecrackers
Cap Gun
Jumping Jacks
"Drive a man insane!"
John Lewis/Waitrose
Round 4.
'Gone With The Wind' / Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) & Scarlett O'Hara (Vivian Leigh)
'Rebecca' / Daphne DuMaurier
'Trumpton' / "Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub"
Roald Dahl / Cardiff (Llandaff) & 'Norwegian Church' (Cardiff Bay)
Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway & Paul Newman
'Green Goddess' / Diana Moran
'Fireman Sam' / True
'Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves' / Kevin Costner
Fawks / Phoenix / Healing tears
Tom Cruise / 5 seconds
'Blue Watch'
Round 5.
'Royal Society For The Prevention Of Accidents'
Don’t drink ALCOHOL if setting off fireworks.
Keep fireworks in a closed BOX.
Follow the instructions on each firework, using a TORCH.
Light them at arm’s length, using a TAPER.
Stand well BACK.
Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off, it could still EXPLODE.
Never put fireworks in your POCKET or THROW them.
Always supervise CHILDREN around fireworks.
Light sparklers one at a time and wear GLOVES.
Never give sparklers to a child under FIVE.
Keep PETS indoors.
All fireworks should end by 11PM.
Both. A 'SKWIB' was an early firework if which damp would not explode. First recorded in 'The London Morning Post' 1837
- New Year's Eve
- Chinese New Year - Independence Day (USA)
- Bastille Day (France)
- Diwali (Hindu)
- Weddings & Celebrations
Blue for boy, Pink for girl
Round 6.
Cannons and church bells
Ursula Andress
'The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown'
Jim Morrison
'Saturday Night Fever'
'Take That'
Jim Jong-Un (North Korea)
Marilyn Monroe, whose real name was Norma Jean Mortenson
Major Tom
Round 7.
Park Drive', 'Capstan', 'Regal', 'Superkings', 'Silk Cut', 'John Player', 'Marlborough' etc 'Swan'
Birthdays, Easter, Christmas (Advent Candle), Halloween (Inside A Hollowed Out Pumpkin) etc