This CST activity aims to celebrate the 1970s, or "The ME decade" by reminiscing about some of the main news stories of the decade, the fashions, food and drink and best selling singles and albums and box office movie hits.
You could begin the session by asking members to reflect on their experiences of the 1970s. What memories stand out? Where were you at in your life's journey? What hopes and plans did you have?

Round 1. Idioms
What do these words and phrases mean?
Meanings ...
"Go bananas" - a loss of control or becoming overly excited
"Guilt trip" - manipulate someone to make them feel guilty so they do something for you
"In your face" - an exclamation of derision or contempt
"Peace out" - a common, cool way to say goodbye, often used with a two-finger peace sign
"Stoked" - a way of saying that someone was excited about something
"Flower power" - a way of referring to hippies and the culture associated with hippies in the late 1960s and early 1970s
"Far out man" - an exclamation of general interest and approval
"Groovy" - roughly synonymous with words such as "excellent", "fashionable" or "amazing"
"Dream on" - a dismissive response to someone who was being unrealistic or overly optimistic about something unlikely to happen
"Chill out" - telling someone to relax or calm down as a way of diffusing tension
"Can you dig it?" - wanting to share enthusiasm for a new song or movie
"Space cadet" - a way of referring to someone who seems disconnected from reality, perhaps due to drug taking
"Gimme some skin" - meant slapping the palm of your hand over your friends, sliding your hands back, flipping them over and repeating, as a form of greeting
"Bummer" - a way of expressing disappointment
"Get down and boogie" - a way of saying "shall we dance?"
Round 2. News
Discuss these news stories from the 1970s with members. Which events are best remembered?
22nd January 1970 - The 'Boeing 747' "Queen Of The Skies" enters commerical service with Pan Am. Did anyone fly on the 747? What was it like?
10th April 1970 - Paul McCartney quits from 'The Beatles'. Who was upset about it at the time? What are members' favourite 'Beatles' songs?
21st June 1970 - Brazil beat Italy 4-1 in the 'FIFA World Cip', with Pele scoring a goal in his third World Cup final.
15th February 1971 - 'Decimal Day' when the UK decimalised its currency from pounds shillings and pence. What was the change like? Does anyone remembers what coins and notes there were?
1971 - 'Greenpeace' is founded in Vancouver, Canada, to protest aganist and stop a nuclear test. Its ship 'The Rainbow Warrior' is later launched in 1978. Was anyone a member of 'Greenpeace' or 'CND'?
20th October 1973 - 'Syndey Opera House' is officially opened by Queen Elizabeth 11. Has anyone ever been to a performance in this famous Australian landmark?
8th August 1974 - President Richard Nixon resigns during a live television broadcast after the 'Watergate' scandal. Who do members think has been the best US President in their lifetime?
30th October 1974 - Muhammad Ali and George Foreman fight in the "Rumble In The Jungle". Ali won by a knockout in the 8th round, reclaiming the 'World Heavyweight Champion' title. What phrases do members associate with Muhammad Ali?
30th April 1975 - The 'Vietnam War' ends with North Vietnam forces tanks rolling through the gates of the 'Presidential Palace' in Saigon, leading to American forces withdrawing. Did anyone take part in peace protests?
16th August 1977 - Elvis Presley, known as "The King Of Rock And Roll" dies aged 42 at his 'Graceland' home in Memphis, Tennessee. What are members' favourite Elvis songs?
16th October 1978 - Karol Wojtyler was elected Pope John Paull 11 by the Vatican Conclave, becoming the youngest elected in over a century aged just 58. He was also the first ever Slavic Pope to be elected and the longest serving, dying aged 84 on 2nd April 2005. Did anyone go to see him when he visited the UK in 1982?
28th March 1979 - The most significant nuclear accident in US history, a partial meltdown at the 'Three Mile Island' nuclear power plant, occurred on this date. In 1988, the NRC announced that, although it was possible to further decontaminate the Unit 2 site, the remaining radioactivity had been sufficiently contained as to pose no threat to public health and safety.
4th May 1979 - Margaret Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, was elected the first ever British Prime Minister, succeeding James Callaghan of the Labour Party. Who do members think has been the best PM of their lifetime?
The 'Gay Liberation Movement' flourished in the 1970s, fighting for equal rights for LGBTQ people and the decriminalisation of homosexuality. After the partial decrimninalisation in 1967, the age of consent remained at 21 for gay men in the UK. However, it wasn't until 2000 that the age of consent became the same for all - aged 16 - and until 2014 that same sex marriage was legalised.
Round 3. Fashion
All members have to do here is to name the fashion item and declare whether or not they wore each fashion item.
Can anyone think of any more?
Platforms, Cravat, Bellbottoms
Dungarees, Doc Marten's, Donkey jacket
Snorkel Parka, Hot pants, Tank top
Corduroys, Wrangler Denim Jacket, Peaked Hat
"Farrah" feathered look, Sideburns, "Purdy' cut
Round 4. Food & Drink
In this round, ask members to name and discuss the foods. Which are still available? What are their favourites (maybe rank the top three)?
Can anyone think of any more?
Round 5. Movies
The idea here is for members to name the 1970s blockbuster movies and maybe rate their top three.
Here are some additional questions if wanted or needed ...