Here is a quick CST activities page for a Dementia Cafe style hour or two long session. It is a picture quiz with some music interspersed for engagement and enjoyment. The 'Golden Brown Quiz' is seasonally based, with a focus on autumn.
Round 1. Trees
![]() | Identify the tree? What sweet food substance does it provide us with? (Think Canadian flag.) |
![]() | Identify the tree? From which nut does this mighty tree grow? (It is called the 'Royal Oak' because King Charles 11 hid inside the trunk of one to escape the Roundheads at the 'Battle Of Worcester' in 1651.) |
![]() | Identify the tree? Which children's game does this tree provide us with? (Can anyone remember the song 'Under The Spreading ******** Tree? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YayZyHOmn-8 ) |
![]() | Identify the tree? What is this seed-bearing organ called? (You might decorate one for Christmas.) |
![]() | What substance makes leaves green? Why do they turn orange/red in the autumn? (Which Americans call 'The Fall', because of tress losing their leaves in this season.) |
![]() | Trees that lose their leaves in the autumn are called what? Trees that stay green are called what? (Spot the grey squirrel 🐿) |
![]() | Name the field of fruit trees? Name the alcoholic beverage this fruit provides us with? (Can anyone name some different varieties.) |
![]() | Name the berry tree? Name the alcoholic spirit it flavours? (What do you normally drink it with?) |
![]() | Name the tree? What name is given to this fruit when it is dried? (Apparently they help to keep you regular!) |
![]() | List some of the things that trees provide us with? (Who has a log burning stove?) |
Song break ...

What is the day in mid September when there is equal day and night called?
Round 2. Food
![]() | Name this vegetable? Which occasion is it most associated with? (Does anyone carve one and put a candle inside?) |
![]() | Name this vegetable? What deep fried flavoured snack is made from them? (What is YOUR favourite flavour?) |
![]() | Name this tart? Which company (in the UK) makes the main ingredient? (It is in a green tin with a yellow lion on the front.) |
![]() | Name these three spices? (The first originated in China and is often used to flavour Chinese food.) (The second is put in mulled wine to flavour it.) (The third's oil is good for dental pain.) |
![]() | Name this expensive fungus? Which animal is renowned for sniffing them out? (Its price ranges from £90/kg to £270/kg, depending generally on supply and demand.) |
![]() | Name these two food ingredients? What hot cafe drink is made from mixing them? (What is the name of the worker that might make it for you?) |
![]() | Name these five nut varieties? (The first is used in carrot cake.) (The second is used in a Bakewell tart.) (The third is a bar snack.) (The fourth is used in a Topic bar.) (The fifth is wrapped in purple cellophane in Quality Street.) |
![]() | Name this fungus and variety? (It's proper name is a place in Notting Hill.) |
![]() | Name this food substance and variety? (The 'Rolling Stones' had a hit record with its name.) |
![]() | Name as many different types of curry dish as you can? OR What is your favourite curry? (Which type of naan bread is your favourite?) |
Ad break ...

Before watching, name the advert ...
Which piece of classical music is being played?
Song break ...

What is it called when wheat and other crops are collected in? What is Sting's real name?
Round 3. Shades of brown
![]() | What eye colour is this? What percentage of the UK population has this eye colour (nearest guess)? (Go around the room and check eye colour.) |
![]() | Name this hair colour? Name this famous actress? (Can anyone think of any of her movies?) |
![]() | What colour were early photographs? Where is this? (On average the bridge opens twice a day.) |
![]() | Name this bird? What shade of brown is it? (Can anyone think of any other types?) |
![]() | Which British pre-decimal coins were called 'Coppers'? (Name all of them if you can?) |
![]() | What 'burnt' shade of brown was an early paint colour? Which Dutch artist is this a self-portrait of? |
![]() | Which shade of brown gives it name to this children's TV show? Name the two characters? |
![]() | What shade of brown was the British forces uniform? Name this TV comedy show? ("Shut up!" was shouted at the end of every episode.) Song link - 'Whispering Grass' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10dmK7O-KSY |
![]() | Name this city in Italy which gives its name to a shade of brown? In which region is it? (The 'Palio' horse race is held there every year.) |
![]() | What is a baby deer called (it is a shade of brown)? Name the movie? (Remember the song 'Drip drip drop little April showers'?) |
Song break ...

Name the band that released 'Golden Brown' as a single?
Round 4. Phrases
Complete these well known phrases:
- How now ***** ***
- Little brown *** Song link - Glen Miller - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOG89TrL4Vk
- As brown as a *****
- "Brown paper packages **** ** ** ******" 🎵
- Newcastle ***** ***
- Brown ***
- 'Mrs Brown's ****'
- 'Father *****'
- 'The Unsinkable ***** *****' (Which ship was she associated with?)
- 'Tom Brown's ****** ****'
- Red ***
- Chocolate ********
- "You dirty ***!" (Which actor said this?)
Singalong ...

Name the actress and her character's name?
Or you could list some of her favourite things, by way of a recall exercise?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things
Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver-white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things
When the dog bites When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things
Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings These are a few of my favorite things
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver-white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things
When the dog bites When the bee stings When I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don't feel so bad
EXTRA SONGS - Take your pick

"All the leaves are brown
And the sky is gray."
What was the name of the lead singer?

"You've found someone new
And don't it make my brown eyes blue."
Take a straw poll. How many members have brown and blue eyes?

"Do you remember when we used to sing?
Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da."
What is the name 'Van' an abbreviation of?

"Every day I bless the day that you got through to me,
'Cause baby, I believe that you're a star."
Who was the lead singer with 'Hot Chocolate'?

"Do you remember
The 21st night of September?"
What is the missing element?

Complete the names of some of their other hits ...
- 'By The Rivers Of *******'
- ' Ra Ra ********'
- 'Daddy ****'
- 'Ma *****'
- 'Mary's *** *****'

What is this?

Round 1
Maple / Syrup
Oak / Acorn
Horse Chestnut / Conkers
Pine/ Pine Cone
Chlorophyll / As some leaves die, they produce chemicals called anthocyanins (also found in the skin of grapes and apples) from built up sugars. So in summary - sugar
Deciduous / Evergreen
Orchard / Cider / Gala, Pink lady, Golden delicious, Granny Smith, Adam's apple (joke)
Juniper / Gin / Tonic Water
Plum / Prune
Wood for fuel, timber for building, fruits, nuts and most importantly oxygen
Round 2
Pumpkin / Halloween on 31st October
Potato / Crisps
Treacle Tart / Tate & Lyle
Cloves, Star Anise & Cinnamon
Truffle / Pig
Coffee & Chocolate / Mocha Coffee / Barista
Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Hazelnuts & Brazil nuts
Portabello Mushroom
Demerara Sugar
Korma, Balti, Dupiaza, Jalfrezi, Madras, Rogan Josh, Dhansak & Vindaloo (The most popular curry in the UK is Chicken Tikka Masala) / Plain, Peshwari, Keema, Garlic
Hovis / Dvorak's 'New World Symphony'
Gordon Sumner
Round 3
Hazel / About 22%
Brunette / Audrey Hepburn / 'Breakfast At Tiffany's', 'Roman Holiday', 'My Fair Lady' etc
Sepia / Tower Bridge
Tawny Owl / Barn Owl, Short Eared, Long Eared & Wise Old Owl
Ha'penny, Penny & Farthing - The rest are threepence, sixpence, shilling, florin, half crown and crown
Burnt Umber / Rembrandt
'Peanuts' / Charlie Brown & Snoopy
Khaki / 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum'
Sienna / Tuscany
Fawn / 'Bambi'
'The Stranglers'
Round 4
- How now BROWN COW
- Little brown JUG
- As brown as a BERRY
- Brown paper packages TIED UP WITH STRING
- Newcastle BROWN ALE
- Brown OWL
- 'Mrs Brown's BOYS'
- 'Father BROWN'
- The Unsinkable MOLLY BROWN / 'Titanic'
- 'Tom Brown's SCHOOL DAYS'
- Red RUM'
- Chocolate LABRADOR
- "You dirty RAT!" / James Cagney
Julie Andrews / Maria /
Mama Cass Elliot
* Poll
Errol Browne
Trick question - EMOJI not POO
- 'By The Rivers Of BABYLON'
- 'Daddy COOL'
- 'Ma BAKER'
- 'Mary's BOY CHILD'