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'International Day Of Older People' - 1st October 🍃

"It's not how old you are. It's how you are old." - Jules Renard


Focus on positive aspects of growing older during this session.

Ask members what are the good things about ageing. Answers could include:

- The freedom of retirement

- The independence of adult children

- The joy of grandchildren

- Possibly fewer financial commitments, e.g. mortgage

- Getting a pension

- Free bus travel (in Wales)

- Increased opportunities for socialising and holidays.

The negative aspects could include:

- Societal attitudes towards older age

- Reduced mobility and independence

- Aches & pains

- Illnesses of older age

- Bereavements.


Ask members to complete the following phrases (as a group 'shout out'):

About childhood

- Out of the mouths of BABES

- Smooth as a baby's BOTTOM

- Child's PLAY

- New kid on the BLOCK

- Knee high to a GRASSHOPPER

- Coming of AGE

- Act your age not your SHOESIZE

- Youth is wasted on the YOUNG

About older age (negative)

- Past your PRIME

- He’s no spring CHICKEN

- Over the HILL

- Mutton dressed as LAMB

- You can’t teach an old dog NEW TRICKS

- Age before BEAUTY

About older age (positive)

- Older and WISER

- I wasn’t born YESTERDAY

- Don't teach your grandmother to suck EGGS

- Ripe old AGE

- Young at HEART

- Respect your ELDERS

- Silver SURFER

- Ageing like a fine WINE

- You're only as old as you FEEL


The idea for this picture quiz comes from an artist called Ard Gelinck (@ardgelinck), who has woven together images of celebrities as younger and older people (some feature below).

Ask members to identify each person in turn. A clue is provided for each picture. If members get stuck give first names.

As you work through the pictures, ask members to comment on who has aged well (or not so well), who might have had cosmetic surgery to keep their youthful looks and note who has sadly died.

(Play a few songs as you work through the images. Members' choices.)

(If you click on the first image, a slide show will open.)

Round 1. Older Men

1. CLUE. He starred in a 1985 movie called 'Back To The Future'. Who is he?

What car was driven 'Back To The Future'?

Here is the song from the movie -

2. CLUE. He starred in a 1977 movie called 'Saturday Night Fever'. Who is he?

Aside from being a great actor and dancer, what other enhanced skill does he have?

3. CLUE. He starred in a 1990 movie called 'Pretty Woman'. Who is he?

Who was his co-star in this movie, pictured below?

4. CLUE. He starred in a 1971 movie called 'Dirty Harry'. Who is he?

What was the song that a psychotic stalker fan wanted him to play on his DJ radio show in the 1971 movie 'Play ***** For Me'?

Here is the stand out song from that movie ...

5. CLUE. He starred in a 1988 movie about a boy who grew up too soon, called 'Big'. Who is he?

What caused him to age rapidly in this movie?

Here is a classic scene from that movie ...

6. CLUE. He starred in a TV sitcom called 'Friends'. Who is he?

Which character did he play?

7. CLUE. He starred in a 1976 movie called 'Rocky'. Who is he?

What was his surname in this movie?

Here is the song from 'Rocky 111' -

8. CLUE. He starred in a 1970s TV sitcom called 'Happy Days'. Who is he?

What was his nickname in that TV show?

9. CLUE. He starred in a 1976 movie called 'Taxi Driver'. Who is he?

Which girl group had a 1984 hit single with this actor's name in the title?

10. CLUE. He sang a 1967 song called 'When I'm Sixty-Four'. Who is he?

Complete the album title which this song featured on - 'Sergeant ******* ****** ****** **** ****'.

Here it is - 'When I'm Sixty-Four', The Beatles -

Round 2. TV & Movies About Older People

11. What was the name of the TV show about four older women living in Miami called?

What were the four characters name?

12. What was the name of the TV comedy series starring Stephanie Cole and Graham Crowden about life in a retirement home?

What was the name of the home?

13. What was the name of the Tv comedy series about love in later life, starring Judi Dench and Geoffrey Palmer?

Which classic movie's theme was this show named after?

14. What was the name of the TV comedy series about a grumpy old man and his wife's life together?

What was his catchphrase?

15. Who starred in the 1965 movie 'She', about a tribal queen who stayed young and immortal by bathing in blue light?

Here is a song to go with the movie -

What nationality was the singer?

16. Who starred in the 1973 movie 'The Way We Were', which was about them looking back on memories of their romance?

Here is the song from that movie -

17. What was the name of the 1989 movie about a woman and her chauffeur's relationship over the years?

Here is a song to go with this photo -

What is a bicycle built for two called?

18. Which organisation was the 2003 movie 'Calendar Girls' about? (They raised funds by making a topless but tasteful calendar.)

Who, pictured her, is holding the cup and saucer?

Here is the hymn which is sung at the end of every one of their meetings ...

19. Who starred in the 2008 movie about a man ageing in reverse, called 'The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button'?

Who were his two wives?

Here is a song to go with movie -

20. Complete the title of the movie about a group of lonely older tourists set in Udaipur, India. 'The Best Exotic ******** *****'?

Which kitchen item takes its name from this orange flower?

Here is a song to go with that movie -

Round 3. Older Women

21. CLUE. British born American actress, who won two 'Best Actress' Oscars for 'Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?' and 'Butterfield 8'. Who is she?

Which Welsh born actor did she famously wed twice?

Here is the TV intro from the series 'Lassie', which links to one of her first movies -

22. CLUE. She starred in many movies, including 'The Sound Of Music' in 1965 and 'Mary Poppins' in 1964. Who is she?

Who were her co-stars in these two movies?

23. CLUE. Her longest running TV role was in 'Murder She Wrote'. Who is she?

What was her character's name?

24. CLUE. She most famously starred in the TV soap 'Dallas'. Who is she?

Who did she appear alongside in the TV advert for 'Cinzano'?

25. CLUE. She starred in a 1969 movie called 'The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie'. More recently she starred in 'Downton Abbey'. Who is she?

What was her character's name in 'Downton'?

26. CLUE. She starred in the 2011 movie 'The Iron Lady'. Who is this?

Who was that movie about?

Here is a song from one of her more recent movies -

27. CLUE. She starred in the 2012 James Bond movie 'Skyfall' as M?

What was her late husband's name?

Here is the James Bond theme song from that movie -

28. CLUE. She was our longest serving monarch, reigning for 70 years and 214 days. Who is she?

What was her preferred name?

Here is that lovely sketch from her Platinum Jubilee celebrations -

Let's continue with that song that Her Majesty and Paddington Bear started -

Finally, in this section, let us pay tribute to some famous people who sadly did not survive into older age?

29. Identify these famous women who died too young?

30. Identify these famous men who died too young?

A couple of songs to finish ...

SONG. 'Big Yellow Taxi', JONI MITCHELL -

31. Which of her albums did this song first appear on?

SONG. 'One Day In Your Life', Michael Jackson -

32. What was the name of his ranch, which was named after a place in the story 'Peter Pan', about a boy who never grew old?


As we grow older, hopefully we will mature like a fine wine. Some things, though, grow in value as they age. Antiques are a case in point.

For extra fun, ask members to choose the value of these items which appeared on 'Antiques Roadshow'. Some were huge disappointments, others were some of the most valuable pieces which have featured on the programme.

PS One of these is the most valuable item which has ever featured on the show. One of them was a huge disappointment to its owner.

1. 'Faberge Flower'

A ÂŁ10,000


B ÂŁ1,000,000

2. 1937 Martin Brothers 'Blue Bird'

A ÂŁ8,000


B ÂŁ800,000

3. Silver 'Bull's Head Stirrup Cups'.

A ÂŁ150,000


B ÂŁ15,000

4. 1847 Jardiniere by Christofle

A ÂŁ560


B ÂŁ560,000

5. 'Van Dyck Painting'

A. ÂŁ400,000


B. ÂŁ4,000,000

6. 'Gold Leica Luxas Camera'

A ÂŁ320


B ÂŁ320,000

7. 'Mobile Lovers' by Banksy

A ÂŁ403,000


B ÂŁ43,000

8. '18th Century Dolls House'

A ÂŁ150,000


B ÂŁ150

9. 1920s 'Art Deco Bracelet'

A ÂŁ1,500


B ÂŁ150,000

10. JFK's Leather Jacket

A ÂŁ30,000


B ÂŁ300,000

Ask members to guess at the most valuable item featured.

... And the one which was a fake (date stamped several years after the maker died).

To finish this activity, play these clips. The first is from 'Only Fools And Horses', about the auction of a pocket watch which led them to become millionaires -

The second is from 'Steptoe And Son', the TV sitcom about a father and son rag and bone 'recycling' business.

What was Harold's catchphrase?

What did Del Boy call Rodney?


Have members choose one or two songs to play from this list.

'As Time Goes By', Dooley Wilson -

'Young At Heart', Frank Sinatra -

'Wouldn't It Be Nice', The Beach Boys -

'Young At Heart', The Bluebells -

'Turn, Turn, Turn', The Byrds -

And finally, a reminder that we need to take things a day at a time and enjoy every moment.

'May Each Day', Andy Williams -


Find your most valued possession inside or outside of the house. If you live with a partner, friend or relative have them do the same (separately). Bring both items together (or take each other to them if they’re too big) and tell each other why you chose them and what they mean to you.

Go though your photo albums and find one or two photos that you really like, either of yourself or a partner, friend or relative or a special place that you love or loved. Maybe start off with a photo from childhood or an old passport photo.

With both of the above ideas, you could start off a ‘Memory Album’ (either on your phone or computer or a ‘hard copy’), taking photos of your favourite items or photographs and noting down what they mean to you.


You could have a go at making a 'Vintage Elephant' out of paper mache - here is an instructive video -


1. Michael J Fox / DeLorean'

2. John Travolta / Qualified Pilot

3. Richard Gere / Julia Roberts

4. Clint Eastwood / 'Misty'

5. Tom Hanks / A fortune telling arcade game

6. Matt Le Blanc / Joey Tribbiani

7. Sylvester Stallone / Rocky Balbao

8. Henry Winkler / The Fonz

9. Robert De Niro / Bananarama

10. Paul McCartney / 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'

11. 'The Golden Girls' / Sophia Petrillo, Dorothy Zbornak, Rose Nyland & Blacnhe Devereaux

12. 'Waiting For God' / 'Bayview'

13. 'As Time Goes By' / 'Casablanca'

14. 'One Foot In The Grave' / "I don't believe it!"

15. Ursula Andress / French

16. Barbra Streisand & Robert Redford

17. 'Driving Miss Daisy' / Tandem

18. 'W.R.V.S.' / Helen Mirren

19. Brad Pitt / Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie

20. 'The Best Exotic MARIGOLD HOTEL' / Kitchen Rubber Gloves

21. Elizabeth Taylor / Richard Burton

22. Julie Andrews / Christopher Plummer & Dick Van Dyke

23. Angela Lansbury / Jessica Fletcher

24. Joan Collins / Leonard Rossiter

25. Maggie Smith / Dowager Duchess Violet Crawley

26. Meryl Streep / Margaret Thatcher

27. Judi Dench / Michael Williams

28. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor / Lilibet

29. Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Karen Carpenter

Princess Diana (nee Spencer), Victoria Wood, Amy Winehouse

30. James Dean, Kenny Everett, George Michael

Heath Ledger, Jim Morrison, Sid Vicious

31. 'Ladies Of The Canyon'

32. 'Neverland'


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. B

11. "You Dirty Old Man!"

12. "You Plonker!"


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