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How Much?

This CST activity is a linked session to the "Money Makes The World Go Round" one published last week.

Begin by asking members who enjoys going shopping?

What is their favourite or usual supermarket where they do the shopping?

Are there any stores or branks missing? (M&S being one)

Do members make a shopping list and stick to it, or do they just put what they fancy into the trolley?

How much is the weekly shop these days? How do costs compare with the 1970s?

(Research by 'Nimblefins' shows ...

The average weekly food shop cost by household size is 

  • One person: Around £31

  • Two adults: Around £67

  • Family of three: Around £92

  • Family of four: Around £117

Tips for saving money on food include ...


  • Make a list of household items

  • Plan meals for the week

  • Stock up on cheap basics

  • Batch cook

  • Use coupons

  • Use reduced sections in supermarkets

  • Don't focus on brands

  • Try one meat free day a week

Talking of coupons, who remembers saving these ...

What shop did they become?

Answer ...

Does anyone order their shopping on-line and have it delivered? What are the pros and cons?

And now we come to our quiz. Guess the price of things today by choosing either a., b. or c.

As you work through the items discuss what has changed about the ways we used to shop and the things we would buy today compared to say the 1970s.

Discussions points:

Do people drink full fat or semi skimmed milk? Does anyone prefer to drink soy or oat milk?

Do people prefer white or brown bread? What is their favourite loaf?

Do people buy free range eggs (more expensive) or eggs from barn or caged birds?

Guess the price:

Pint of milk

a. 55p

b. 85p

c. £1.25

Loaf of bread

a. 40p

b. 80p

c. £1.40

Half a dozen free range eggs

a. £1.65

b. £1.85

c. £2.50

Before playing it, can anyone hum the music?

Discussion points:

What are member's favourite cheeses?

Does anyone still keep a cup of lard next to the cooker to fry bacon in?

What are member's favourite cheeses?

Guess the price:

Mature Cheddar Cheese 220g

a. £1.50

b. £2.50

c. £3.50

Pack of Smoked Bacon 10 rashers

a. 50p

b. £1.50

c. £2.50

Bottle of white wine (average price)

a. £4.50

b. £6.00

c. £7.50

'Absolutely Fabulous' comedy sketch 'Wine Tasting' -

Name the characters & actors?

Discussion points:

Does anyone write letters or postcards any more? Who text messages instead?

Who reads a daily newspaper, or has one delivered?

Who remembers Izal toilet paper & outside toilets?

Guess the price?:

1st class stamp

a. 65p

b. 95p

c. £1.65

'Daily Mail' newspaper (weekday)

a. 50p

b. £1.00

c. £1.50

'Andrex' toilet rolls (six pack)

a. £4.55

b. £5.55

c. £6.55

Discussion points?

Fish & chips with tartar sauce, mushy peas, tomato sauce or just salt and vinegar?

What are member's favourite pints (or half pints)?

What did 'Snickers' used to be called?

Guess the price:

Fish & chips (average cost)

a. £5.88

b. £10.88

c. £15.88

Pint of 'Guinness' (average cost)

a. £2.48

b. £3.48

c. £4.48

'Snickers' bar

a. 80p

b. £1.00

c. £1.20

Before watching the advert, name the island?

Discussion points:

Who used to smoke? Who still smokes? What were/are member's favourite brands?

Who remembers paying an attendant to fill their car with petrol?

How easy is it to find a public toilet these days?

Guess the price:

Pack 20 cigarettes (average cost)

a. £10.26

b. £15.26

c. £20.26

Litre of unleaded petrol (average cost)

a. 45p

b. £1.45p

c. £2.45p

Using a public toilet (average cost)

a. 10p

b. 20p

c. 50p

Before watching, can anyone describe what happens?

Discussion points:

Does anyone listen to music by playing vinyl singles and albums anymore, or do members prefer streaming music?

What is the best or most memorable film members have ever been to see (at the cinema)?

Who has a smartphone? Does anyone still use a house phone?

Guess the price:

A new vinyl album (average cost - there has been a resurgence of sales in the UK)

a. £6.00

b. £16.00

c. £26.00

Going to the cinema (average cost)

a. £7.92

b. £10.92

c. £17.92

Cost of an iPhone 16 (newest base model)

a. £499

c. £799

d. £1,099

Before playing the advert, can anyone sing the theme tune?

Discussion points:

Who enjoys visiting the barber or hairdresser? Who prefers a cut at home? What is the best or worst hairstyle you ever had?

Who enjoys going for a swim, in a pool or in the sea? Who got their swimming and lifesaving medals as children?

What are member's favourite types of coffee?

Guess the price:

Short back & sides (with shampoo wash) (mens average cost)

a. £6.50

b. £16.50

c. £26.50

Swimming pool (average swim)

a. £5.00

b. £10.00

c. £15.00

Cup of coffee (average cost for a latte)

a. £1.50

b. £2.50

c. £3.50

'Mr Bean' comedy sketch 'Swimming Pool' -

Name the actor?

Discussion points?

Who prefers drinking water out of the tap, as opposed to bottled water?

Who would prefer a veggie burger? Has anyone seen eaten a 'Big Mac' that was this well presented?

Which football pundit advertises 'Walkers Crisps'? Who remembers having a bag of crisps with a packet or twist of salt inside?

Guess the price:

Bottle of 'Evian Water' (750ml)

a. 50p

b. £1.50

c. £2.00

'Big Mac'

a. £3.39

b. £4.39

c. £5.39

Packet of 'Walkers' crisps

a. 45p

b. 55p

c. 65p

Discussion points:

Cost of a (one way) train ticket Cardiff to London Paddington (if you book in advance)

a. £23.00

b. £53.00

c. £230.00

Cost of a theatre ticket in the West End (average price)

a. £57.30

b. £87.30

c. £107.30

How much should you tip at a restaurant?

a. 5-10% of the bill

b. 10-15% of the bill

c. 15-20% of the bill

In this 'Famous Five advert, list the places visited?

Also, what was the dog's name & what did they like to drink?

Discussion points:

What were member's first cars? How much did they pay for them?

What were member's first houses? How much did they pay for them?

Who watches 'Wimbledon'? What are members' favourite sports?

Guess the price:

New 'Mini Cooper'

a. £12,300

b. £22,300

c. £32,300

Average UK cost of a three bedroom detached house in England

a. £263,000

b. £363,000

c. £463,000

Ticket to 'Wimbledon Men's Final Centre Court 2025' (face value)

a. £949

b. £1,949

c. £9,495

Discussion points:

How much pocket money did members used to get as a child? What are members' favourite ice cream flavours?

Ask members to choose between 'Diet' or regular 'Coke', or another soft drink if they would prefer (have some ready to hand for refreshments)?

Guess the price:

Average child's pocket money

a. 54p

b. £3.54

c. £7.54

99 ice cream (average beach cost)

a. £1.00

b. £2.00

c. £4.00

Can of 'Coke'

a. 50p

b. £1.05

c. £1.55

Before watching, can anyone sing the song?

Finally, here are some song recommendations ...

Pint of milk

a. 55p

b. 85p *

c. £1.25

Loaf of bread

a. 40p

b. 80p

c. £1.40 *

Half a dozen free range eggs

a. £1.65 *

b. £1.85

c. £2.50

Mature Cheddar Cheese 220g

a. £1.50

b. £2.50 *

c. £3.50

Pack of Smoked Bacon 10 rashers

a. 50p

b. £1.50

c. £2.50 *

Bottle of white wine (average price)

a. £4.50

b. £6.00 *

c. £7.50

1st class stamp

a. 65p

b. 95p

c. £1.65 *

'Daily Mail' newspaper (weekday)

a. 50p

b. £1.00

c. £1.50 *

'Andrex' toilet rolls (six pack)

a. £4.55

b. £5.55 *

c. £6.55

Fish & chips (average cost)

a. £5.88

b. £10.88 *

c. £15.88

Pint of 'Guinness' (average cost)

a. £2.48

b. £3.48

c. £4.48 *

'Snickers' bar

a. 80p *

b. £1.00

c. £1.20

Pack 20 cigarettes (average cost)

a. £10.26

b. £15.26 *

c. £20.26

Litre of unleaded petrol (average cost)

a. 45p

b. £1.45p *

c. £2.45p

Using a public toilet (average cost)

a. 10p

b. 20p *

c. 50p

A new vinyl album (average cost - there has been a resurgence of sales in the UK)

a. £6.00

b. £16.00

c. £26.00 *

Going to the cinema (average cost)

a. £7.92 *

b. £10.92

c. £17.92

Cost of an iPhone 16 (newest base model)

a. £499

c. £799 *

d. £1,099

Bottle of 'Evian Water' (750ml)

a. 50p

b. £1.50 *

c. £2.00

'Big Mac'

a. £3.39

b. £4.39

c. £5.39 *

Packet of 'Walkers' crisps

a. 45p *

b. 55p

c. 65p

Cost of a (one way) train ticket Cardiff to London Paddington (if you book in advance)

a. £23.00 *

b. £53.00

c. £230.00

Cost of a theatre ticket in the West End (average price)

a. £57.30 *

b. £87.30

c. £107.30

How much should you tip at a restaurant?

a. 5-10% of the bill

b. 10-15% of the bill * (unless there is already a service charge included)

c. 15-20% of the bill

New 'Mini Cooper'

a. £12,300

b. £22,300 *

c. £32,300

Average UK cost of a three bedroom detached house in England

a. £263,000

b. £363,000

c. £463,000 *

Ticket to 'Wimbledon Men's Final Centre Court 2025' (face value)

a. £949

b. £1,949

c. £9,495 *

Average child's pocket money

a. 54p

b. £3.54

c. £7.54 *

99 ice cream (average beach cost)

a. £1.00

b. £2.00

c. £4.00 *

Can of 'Coke'

a. 55p

b. £1.05 *

c. £1.55



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About Me


Simon O’Donovan MBE is a retired Consultant Nurse who worked in NHS Wales for most of his adult life, supporting people with dementia, their care partners and support staff through managing, developing and improving services to benefit this group. 


The main aim of this website is to share experience and resources freely, so others can dip in and out and use some or all of the free and open access materials provided in their own CST practice. Thus facilitating and supporting the provision of uplifting and enjoyable sessions that optimise people with dementia's quality of life.

This site is not owned by or affiliated to any organisation. It is a personal unpaid commitment with no intention whatsoever of profit-making. However, costs for web package, domain page & YouTube & Spotify subscription can be supported via a donation. 

Please note that some images are copied from the public domain under the 'fair use copyright' principle, in that they will only be used for educational purposes with disability groups only and not be used for profit.

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