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Reminiscence 🍪 "That takes the biscuit!"

This is a straightforward reminiscence activity, based on old fashioned biscuits.

Ask members to look at the pictures and name the biscuits. As you work through them discuss:

- Which are members' favourites?

- Which are best for dunking?

- Can anyone remember any advertising slogans?

To make the session more engaging and multi-sensory, play the songs below while members guess at the answers and have some of the biscuits on hand for a tasting session.

Feedback as to how this works in practice would be lovely.

Also let me know about any obvious biscuits and songs missed 😃









































Some songs to play whilst members are completing this quiz ...

Practical Activity suggestion

1. Rich Tea

2. Hobnob

3. Digestive

4. Chocolate Digestive

5. Custard Cream

6. Bourbon

7. Jammy Dodger

8. Party Ring

9. Marie

10. Chocolate Chip Cookies

11. Tuc

12. Ryvita

13. Shortbread

14. Nice

15. Oreo

16. Pink Wafer

17. Ritz

18. Mini Cheddars

19. Ginger Nut

20. Malted Milk

21. Fig Roll

22. Garibaldi

23. Fruit Shortcake

24. Millionaire's Shortbread

25. Jaffa Cake

26. Tea Cake

27. Wagon Wheels

28. Coconut Macaroons

29. Viennese Whirls

30. Shortcake

31. Viscount

32. Club

33. Jam Creams

34. Madeleines

35. Penguin

36. Crunch Cream

37. Bonio

38. Farley's Rusks

39. Lemon Puff

40. Danish Butter Cookies


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