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Rest In Peace Your Majesty 🇬🇧

“My whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service”

As you will know, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 passed away yesterday (8th September 2022) at the age of 96. She was our longest serving monarch and a constant presence for us all in a changing world. I wanted to provide a CST activities page for you all to help your discussions with your groups about the death of our beloved queen. I hope that you will find the contents of this page to be both respectful, but also uplifting as a celebration of her life and times. I've put it together quickly, so do let me know if you feel I have missed or should change anything.

Discussion points ...

Who is a royalist? Who is a republican?

What do people think about the Queen and the Royal Family?

What memories do people have of her?

Has anyone met or seen her? Or other members of the Royal Family?

Points to include ...

Tradition & Continuity

British Constitution

Leadership & Stability

Tourism & History

Role model of dignity calmness and loyalty for nearly 100 years

"God save the Queen.

Long live the King."

An early song break, to pay our respects ...


Complete these phrases together ...

The Crown JEWELS


Roll out the red CARPET


Queen BEE

Pay a King's RANSOM

Battle ROYAL



'The King And I' (movie)

The Royal WE

King of the WORLD ('Titanic' movie)

Build castles in the AIR

The emperor's new CLOTHES

On the porcelain THRONE

Prince and PAUPER

Princess and the PEA

Grand Old Duke Of YORK (How many men did he have?)


Crowning GLORY

Jewel in the CROWN

Until Kingdom COME


Slide show to prompt memory and recall, as well as reminiscence and story-telling

(If you click on the first picture a slide show will open)

Part 1. History

1. The abdication of which King resulted in Princess Elizabeth becoming Queen?

What was the name of his great love, whom he gave everything up for?

2. What were the names of the Queen's mother and father, who of course was Britain's previous King?

3. A 2010 movie was made about the Queen's father becoming King and his struggle to overcome his stammer and speak publicly? What was the movie called and who is pictured here playing the King?

4. Who did Princess Elizabeth marry on 20th November 1947? Which country was he from?

5. Where was Princess Elizabeth (pictured her with her husband Prince Philip) when she learned that her father had died and she had become Queen on 6th February 1952?

6. What year was the Coronation and where was it held?

7. What was the name of the Queen's beloved sister?

8. What are the names of the Queen's children?

9. What date was Prince Charles's 'Investiture' as 'Prince Of Wales' and in which Welsh castle did it take place in?

Did anyone get given a cup or mug in school to mark the occasion?

Song break ...

'I Vow To Thee My Country' -

"I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above, Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love..."

10. Which piece of music by Gustav Holst is this hymn based on?

Part 2. The Royal Estate

11. Name this Scottish royal residence?

12. Name this Norfolk royal residence?

13. Name this Berkshire royal castle?

14. Name this London royal palace?

15. Name the Queen's former royal yacht?

16. Which street in London does the royal estate fully own?

17. What are these and where would you find them?

18. Which guards protect the tower?

It is said that without which bird the tower would crumble and the monarchy fall?

19. What is this iconic ceremony, which takes place at the London royal palace, called?

Song break ...

'Buckingham Palace', Ann Stephens -

20. What ceremony is this song associated with?

Part 3. Royal Weddings

21. Who did Princess Anne marry in 1973?

22. Who is she married to now?

23. Who did Prince Charles marry in 1981?

24. Who is he married to now?

25. Who did Prince Andrew marry in 1986?

26. Who did Prince Edward marry in 1999?

27. Name Prince Charles's two sons, pictured with their beloved Mum here?

Factoid. When the Queen asked Harry to help her set up her new mobile phone, he recorded the following message:

" 'Hey, wassup? This is Liz! Sorry I'm away from the throne. For a hotline to Philip, press one; for Charles, press two; for the corgis, press three.'"

28. Who did our future king marry in 2011?

29. What are the names of their children?

30. Name this ex-royal couple, who married in 2018?

Song break ...

'Love And Marriage', Frank Sinatra -

31. Frank Sinatra's nickname was 'Old Blue Eyes'. What was the Queen's preferred name?

Video break (Included to lighten the mood. Leave it out if you think it might be perceived as disrespectful) ...

(Optional) Have members watch this comedy clip and guess at who is playing the Queen?

Part 4. Legacy

32. On which two occasions does the Queen send cards for (if requested)?

33. What do these initials of the 'Queen's Honours' stand for? - MBE - OBE - CBE - DBE (or KBE)

34. What money does the Queen hand out during Easter week?

35. Which Royal award do young people have to undertake an expedition for?

36. Which awards aim to 'transform the lives of young people', especially those suffering hardship such as homelessness and mental ill health?

37. Which games did Prince Harry launch in 2014?

38. Which environmental awards did Prince William and David Attenborough launch in 2021?

39. At what time on every Christmas Day for the past 69 years did the Queen give her address to the nation?

40. What is the name of the organisation that the Queen established that brings together 56 friendly countries to strengthen civil society, with the aims of:

democracy and good governance, respect for human rights and gender equality, poverty eradication and sustainable, people-centred development, and to promote arts and culture.

41. Other important functions of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 included the above ...

See how many you can identify

Song break ... Thank you Mam!

'Thank You Very Much', The Scaffold -

42. Which box of chocolates did this song advertise?

Ad break & Refreshments suggestion ...

Part 5. Some Good & Bad Times

43. What year was the Queen's 'Annus horribilis' and why did she call it so?

44. What year and where did Princess Diana die?

45. Which 2006 movie portrayed the events surrounding this tragedy and who did it star?

46. At what sad occasion did the Queen sit alone at last April, whilst others enjoyed parties and breaking COVID rules?

Thinking of happier things...

47. What were the Queen's favourite dogs?

48. At which Royal event did the Queen's horse ride each year?

Ask members to guess at what (in healthier and happier times) the Queen had to eat and drink each day?

@Indy100 said:

"The Queen meets with the head chef to the royal household twice a week, to decide what meals she fancies.

Breakfast: The Queen likes cereal, usually Special K, and fruit, or scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, according to a former chef.

Lunch: Former chef Owen Hodgson said he would often make the Queen mushrooms with a bit of Marmite, and crustless tuna sandwiches with thinly sliced cucumber and pepper.

Evening meals: She’ll often have an evening meal consisting of something like grilled sole with vegetables and salad.

To drink: The Queen likes a gin and Dubonnet with a slice of lemon and ice, and also likes wine and champagne with dinner."

Apparently, when on a long train or plane journey she enjoys something simple, like a Fray Bentos pie!

49. What year were the London Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games?

Who is playing James Bond here?

50. What occasion did Paddington Bear help the Queen celebrate in February this year?

51. True or False. A friend told DJ Chris Evans that the Queen had told her “I always try to dance when this song comes on, because I am the Queen, and I like to dance.”

52. You could finish with some everyday things that we may use that carry the Queen's face or signature or name. Ask members to identify them ...

Finally, here is a story about the Queen's sense of fun and humour, as told by former royal protection officer Richard Griffin.


Finish with some rousing songs to get members waving flags and celebrating the Queen's wonderful life and legacy.

'Rule Britannia' -

'Land Of Hope And Glory' -

And we finish where we started, with the National Anthem and all good wishes to our new King Charles 111 ...

Here are the new lyrics ...

“God Save the King”

God save our gracious King!

Long live our noble King!

God save the King!

Send him victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the King!

Thy choicest gifts in store,

On him be pleased to pour;

Long may he reign:

May he defend our laws,

And ever give us cause,

With heart and voice to sing,

God save the King!

God save our gracious King!

Long live our noble King!

God save the King!

Send him victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the King!

Here is Katherine Jenkins, performing the new 'National Anthem'


1. King Edward V111 & Wallis Simpson

2. King George V1 & Queen Elizabeth (nee Bowes-Lyon)

3. 'The King's Speech' / Colin Firth

4. Prince Philip Mountbatten / Corfu in Greece

5. 'Treetops' in Kenya

6. 2nd June 1953 / Westminster Abbey

7. Princess Margaret

8. Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew & Prince Edward

9. 1st July 1969 / Caernarvon Castle

10. 'Jupiter' from 'The Planets Suite'

11. Balmoral

12. Sandringham

13. Windsor Castle

14. Buckingham Palace

15. Royal Yacht Britannia

16. Regent Street

17. Crown Jewels / Tower Of London

18. Beefeaters & Ravens

19. Trooping Of The Colour

20. Changing Of The Guard

21. Captain Mark Phillips

22. Sir Timothy Laurence

23. Diana Spencer

24. Camilla Parker-Bowles

25. Sarah Ferguson

26. Sophie Rhys-Jones

27. Harry & William

28. Kate Middleton

29. George, Charlotte & Louis

30. Harry & Meghan Markle

31. Lilibet

* Harry Enfield

32. 100th & 105th Birthday and yearly thereafter & 60th, 65th & 70th Wedding Anniversary

33. Member Of The British Empire

Order Of The British Empire

Commander Of The British Empire

Dame Of The British Empire

Knight Of The British Empire

34. Maundy Money

35. 'Duke Of Edinburgh Awards'

36. 'Prince's Trust'

37. 'Invictus Games'

38. 'Earthshot Prize'

39. 3pm

40. Commonwealth

41. State Opening Of Parliament

Investitures (Captain Tom Moore)

Garden Parties

State Visits (Barack Obama)

Laying a wreath at the Cenotaph on 'Remembrance Sunday'

Signing Acts Of Parliament into law

Weekly meetings with the Prime Minister (currently Liz Truss)

There are also countless charities that are supported by the Royal family, too numerous to mention

42. 'Roses'

43. 1992 / Three of her four children's marriages collapsed and a fire at Windsor Castle caused more than £36m in damage

44. 31st August 1997 / Paris

45. 'The Queen' / Dame Helen Mirren

46. Prince Philip's funeral on 1th April 2021

47. Welsh Corgis

48. 'Royal Ascot'

49. 2012 / Daniel Craig

50. Platinum Jubilee

51. True

52. Royal Approval markings on many of our everyday food items

All Sterling Coins

British Passport

£5, £10, £20 & £50 notes

First Class Stamp, costs 95p

'Jubilee Line', opened in 1977

'Elizabeth Tower' ('Big Ben' is the bell!)

'Elizabeth Line', opened May 2022

All Mute Swans are owned by the British monarch

'The Union Jack', which we see every day as it is the flag of the four nations of the UK under one Sovereign (which will be flown at half mast until after HM Queen Elizabeth11's funeral)

& finally, 'The Royal Standard', which flies at any royal residence when the Monarch is staying there


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