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Strictly Come Dancing Final 16th December 💃 or🕺'International Dance Day', 29th April

Prepared jointly by Simon O'Donovan & Heather Mankeltow

This week's virtual CST Friendship Group centres around dance, because it is 'International Dance Day' on 29th April. You could also use this page by way of a celebration of 'Strictly Come Dancing' starting in the autumn. Many of us look forward to this celebration of dance, something not many of us have had the chance to do during COVID-19 lockdown.

INTRODUCTION Start your session with introductions and by asking members to share their favourite dance or dancer, either from 'Strictly Come Dancing' or from a movie or live performance.

'Strictly' goes to Blackpool Ball Room each year, so ask members if they have ever danced there, or anywhere else for that matter.

Some members may have gone to dancing lessons, or been a member of a dancing group or club. Encourage reminiscence and story telling.

What do or did people like to wear to go dancing? Which shoes are best to dance in? What about hair, make up and perfume?

Some members might be (or have been) professional or social dancers, or some (like me) might be 'Daddy Dancers', with two left feet.

Ask if anyone has visited Blackpool. Discuss the illuminations and the funfair. Who would like to ride on 'The Big One' (pictured below)?


We then thought about some idioms associated with dance... and asked members to complete these well known phrases together ...

(This activity is shout out and not scored.

It aims to build members confidence before going into the music and picture quiz.)

Dancing in the STREETS – very happy. (MOONLIGHT also works)

Footloose and fancy FREE – free from commitment.

It takes two to TANGO – both parties are responsible.

To be all-singing, all-DANCING – to have a range of impressive skills.

To be light on one’s FEET – to be nimble.

To step out of LINE – to break the rules.

To dance on AIR – to be very happy.

To dance to someone else’s TUNE – to comply with someone’s demands.

To drag one’s HEELS – to stall for time.

To land/fall on one’s FEET – to have good luck.

To follow in someone’s FOOTSTEPS– to make the same choices as someone else did before.

To get into a GROOVE – to get used to doing something.

To get off on the wrong FOOT – to make a bad start.

To give it a WHIRL – to try something out.

To have two left FEET – to be clumsy or awkward.

To keep one’s feet on the GROUND– to be practical and realistic about something.

To keep someone on their TOES – to make sure someone is concentrating and ready for any outcome

To make a song and DANCE out of something – to make a fuss about something.

To put a toe out of LINE – to do something that breaks the rules.

To put one’s best foot FORWARD – to begin an endeavour with effort and determination.

To sweep someone off their FEET – to charm someone with romantic gestures.

To step on someone’s TOES – to offend someone by interfering with their responsibilities.

Twinkle TOES – someone who is nimble and quick footed.

To strut your STUFF – to behave confidently.

Walking on thin ICE - taking risks.

Two left FEET - clumsy.

SONG. Our first song, literally to get people in the mood for a dancing themed activities and CST music and picture quiz was 'I'm In The Mood For Dancing', by The Nolan Sisters.

Ask members if anyone would like to get up and dance?


(Thanks to Heather Mankletow)

In the 'Activity Club' for people living with dementia, I used to facilitate a lot of dance as it is good exercise and great fun. Sometimes, I would take a box of colourful skirts, scarfs and tops if people want to dress up to do a 'demonstration dance' ….e.g. for Belly Dancing.

Beforehand, you need to risk-assess your participants and their mobility levels for balance, stamina, medical conditions etc… Who has good balance and can dance without support? Who is okay to dance in a ballroom hold, or holding hands in a circle dance? Who needs to be seated to dance? The aim is to make sure everyone is included, if they want to join in.

Remember that some people may prefer to watch others dance and get just as much enjoyment from that. You can encourage , but never force people to do anything they don’t want to do.

Some people may get very enthusiastic in their dancing and may need to be moderated and encouraged to rest in between songs. Ensure people are encouraged to drink along the way. Don’t allow people to go ‘too mad’ and then suffer afterwards having done too much strenuous dancing.

Allocate a helper to such people to ensure they stay away from people who are more vulnerable…. You need to keep everyone safe.

Be careful and support people if they want to twirl, as they may lose their balance. People really enjoy the 'Hokey Cokey' and I do a version where nobody is physically doing the ‘turn about’ … instead they put up an index finger and draw a circle in the air with it. Let people know at the start and show them the move. It is safer than having everyone trying to turn around, unless you know they all have excellent balance. People can do it standing or seated and we included both in our circle.

I have worked at a nursing home and I facilitated a ‘Tea Dance’ every Wednesday afternoon. People dressed up if they wanted to make an occasion of it. I had a CD player and a whole range of CDs. People gave me their requests and I payed a whole range of music that people could dance to but also sing along with.

I had volunteers who could Ballroom Dance and sometimes they danced together, and then encouraged others who wanted to 'have a go' to get up and dance. Often people had forgotten or didn't know the proper steps, but that didn’t matter.

A Ballroom Dance hold actually helps to centre people who are no longer very steady on their feet. If I was lucky, care staff and relatives would join in the fun and get people up dancing.

Sometimes it is nice to form a circle of staff/volunteers and the people we care for to dance. You can circle round to the right, then to the left, go in and out. You could even verbalise a ‘Wooooo’ when everyone goes into the middle as a bit of fun.

The more lighthearted and fun you can make everything, the better. And the more people sing along, the better. If people prefer not to dance you can encourage singing along, or playing a percussion instrument.

Dancing, singing, drumming, smiling and laughing particularly releases feel-good endorphins in the brain.

Nothing needs to be done perfectly, so don’t be afraid.

If you have a group of people or staff who enjoy dancing you could put on your own 'Strictly Come Dancing' competition???

Good Luck, have fun and "Keep Dancing" (as they say on 'Strictly').

Heather Manktelow, Occupational Therapist, Activities for Health & Teacup Dementia Therapy


Do the 'Hand Jive' together, in time with this video of Cliff Richard & The Shadows.


Slap thighs twice

Clap twice

Open hands across each other twice

Opposite hand on top - Open hands across each other twice

Fist bump twice - Opposite hand on top bump twice

Right thumb up & over right shoulder twice

Left thumb Up & over left shoulder twice

Sounds complicated?

He is an instructive 'How To' video by Andrea Wilson

Have some fun learning the moves with the group and once they nearly have the moves, have a go at performing it to 'Wille And The Hand Jive'.

There are plenty more opportunities for group dancing later in this CST activities page.

There are five rounds of five questions, plus a song after each round. Therefore the quiz is scored out of thirty points. (Half a point if the question comes in two parts).

However, engagement and enjoyment are far more important than competition. Give loads of hints and clues to help members achieve.

ROUND 1. 'Strictly Come Dancing'

1. Who is this?

Name one of his TV shows, aside from 'Strictly'?

(Can anyone remember his pose or any of his catchphrases?)

2. Who is this former judge?

What was his favourite score?

3. Who is the new (ish) lead judge?

4. How about theother current judges?

5. Who are the long-term hosts?

6. SONG. 'Lord Of The Dance', Uncredited Lyric Video -

What was the name of the dance that Michael Flatley and Jean Butler performed in the interval of the 1994 'Eurovision Song Contest'? (It went on to become a best selling stage show!)

ROUND 2. Infamous Dances

7. Name the newsreader who "faced the music and dance" in the 1976 'Morecambe And Wise Christmas Special'?

8. Which two people are seen doing a parody dance here in 'The Vicar Of Dibley' (One of them was previously a judge on 'Strictly')?

Here is the clip, from 'The Vicar Of Dibley' -

(Play the clips after members' guesses!)

9. Which 1997 movie was about a group of unemployed men dancing a strip tease?

Here is the final dance scene from the movie -

10. Which 1980 comedy movie included a 'Saturday Night Fever' dance parody?

11. Name this character and actor dancing badly in 'The Office'?

12. Which former Labour politician danced in 'Gangnam Style' on 'Strictly'?

True or False. Her Majesty The Queen admitted to always dancing to this song when it came on?

ROUND 3. Iconic Dancers

14. Name these two actors who danced cheek to cheek in the 1935 movie 'Top Hat'?

15. Name these two actor dancers from the 1952 movie 'Singing In The Rain'?

16. Name this actress dancer from the 1953 movie 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'?

17. Name the English 'Prima Ballerina' & the Russian ballet dancer?

18. Name this actress dancer from the 1972 movie 'Cabaret'?

19. Name this English ballet dancer and TV celebrity?

20. Name this singer dancer?

What was his backwards stepping dance called?

21. Name this dancing pop star? What dance video is this still from?

22. SONG. 'Blue Suede Shoes', Elvis Presley -

Where did Elvis live?

& What were his nicknames?

For the following movies, there are You Tube dance clips to play

Encourage members to choose which they would like to watch

ROUND 4. Top 10 Iconic Dance Movies

(Play whichever movie clips members choose)

23. 'West Side Story', 1961 - (Number 10)

Name the two rival gangs? - ('I Like To Be In America')

24. 'Billy Elliot', 2000 - (Number 9)

Who played the lead role?

25. 'Flash Dance', 1983 (Number 8)

Who is pictured here?

26. 'The King And I', 1956 - (Number 7)

Name these two actors?

27. 'Chicago', 2002 - (Number 6)

Name these two actors?

28. 'Strictly Ballroom', 1992 - (Number 5)

True or False. 'Strictly Come Dancing' was based on this Australian film?

29. 'LA LA Land', 2016 - (Number 4)

This film was based in which city?

30. 'Singing In The Rain', 1952 - (Number 3)

Name these three actors come singer/dancers?

31. 'Saturday Night Fever', 1977 - (Number 2)

Who is pictured here?

Which band composed and performed the music for this film? Name the brothers?

32. 'Dirty Dancing', 1987 - (Number 1)

Name these two actors?

33. SONG. 'Let's Dance', David Bowie -

What was David Bowie's nickname?

34. DANCE SONG. 'YMCA', The Village People' -

What was their other UK Top 10 hit?

(Play this song and ask members to do the arm movements together!)

THE FINAL SONG IS A SINGALONG. 'I Could Have Danced All Night', My Fair Lady -

Here are the lyrics:

Bed, bed I couldn't go to bed My head's too light to try to set it down Sleep, sleep I couldn't sleep tonight Not for all the jewels in the crown

I could have danced all night I could have danced all night And still have begged for more I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before

I'll never know what made it so exciting Why all at once my heart took flight I only know when he began to dance with me I could have danced, danced, danced all night

It's after three now Don't you agree now? She ought to be in bed!

I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night And still have begged for more I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before

I'll never know what made it so exciting Why all at once my heart took flight I only know when he began to dance with me I could have danced, danced, danced all night

I understand, dear It's all been grand, dear But now it's time to sleep

I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night And still have begged for more I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I've never done before

I'll never know what made it so exciting Why all at once my heart took flight I only know when he began to dance with me I could have danced, danced, danced all night

Ask members if there are any missing dance movies they would like to nominate?

List them here?


Ask members to list some of the most popular dance styles in the world. Here are some examples:

- Ballet

- Tap dance

- Irish dancing

- Jig

- Reel

- Waltz

- Disco

- Tango

- Can Can

- Foxtrot

- Boston Two Step

- Twist

- Cha Cha

- Samba

- Charleston

- Belly dancing

- Daddy dancing

Next, watch this brilliant 'Evolution Of Dance' video, to get the group in the mood for the next activity.... Dancing!

Ask members to dance to these pieces of music together, doing all the moves ...

'Let's Twist Again', Chubby Checker -

'The Birdy Song', The Tweets -

Add any others you think of ...

If you have time ... Or if members are too tired to dance any more ...

Here are a few favourite dances from 'Strictly Come Dancing' to play for members' enjoyment ...

Joe McFadden & Katya Jones - 'Human' Argentine tango -

Danny Mac & Oti Mabuse - 'Magalenha' Samba -

Kelvin Fletcher & Oti Mabuse - 'Ain't No Sunshine' Rumba -

Bill Bailey & Oti Mabuse - 'Rapper's Delight' -

Rose Ailing-Ellis & Giovanni Pernice - 'Symphony' -

Ask members if they have other favourite 'Strictly' dances to play ...

Next, have some well deserved refreshments and a rest...


1. Bruce Forsyth

His other TV shows were:

- Sunday Night at the London Palladium

- The Generation Game

- Play Your Cards Right

- The Price Is Right, and

- You Bet!

- He also co-presented Strictly Come Dancing from 2004 to 2013.

Brucie's catchphrases included:

- The Thinker pose. (Ask someone to demonstrate.)

- “Nice to see you, to see you nice”, Generation Game

- “Keeeeep dancing!”, Strictly Come Dancing

- “Oh, wasn’t that a shame”, The Price Is Right

- “All right my loves?”, The Generation Game

- “Give us a twirl!”, said to Anthea Redfern

- “You don’t get anything for a pair”, Play Your Cards Right

- “What do points make? Prizes!”, Play Your Cards Right

- “Cuddly toy, cuddly toy!”, Generation Game.

2. Len Goodman


3. Shirley Ballas

4. Craig Revel-Horwood & Anton Du Beke

5. Claudia Winkleman & Tess Daly

6. 'Riverdance'

7. Angela Rippon

8. Darcy Bussell & Dawn French

9. 'The Full Monty'

10. 'Airplane'

11. Ricky Gervais

12. Ed Balls

13. True

14. Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire

15. Debbie Reynolds & Gene Kelly

16. Marilyn Monroe

17. Dame Margot Fonteyn & Rudolf Nureyev

18. Liza Minelli

19. Wayne Sleep

20. Michael Jackson / 'Moon Walk'

21. Madonna / 'Vogue'

22. 'Graceland', Memphis Tennessee / 'The King Of Rock And Roll' & 'Elvis The Pelvis'

23. Jets & Sharks

24. Jamie Bell

25. Irene Cara

26. Deborah Kerr & Yul Brynner

27. Catherine Zeta-Jones & Renee Zellweger

28. True

29. Los Angeles

30. Don O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds & Gene Kelly

31. John Travolta & 'The Bee Gees' - Barry, Maurice & Robin

32. Jennifer Grey & Patrick Swayze

33. 'The Thin White Duke' or 'Ziggy Stardust'

34. 'In The Navy'



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About Me


Simon O’Donovan MBE is a retired Consultant Nurse who worked in NHS Wales for most of his adult life, supporting people with dementia, their care partners and support staff through managing, developing and improving services to benefit this group. 


The main aim of this website is to share experience and resources freely, so others can dip in and out and use some or all of the free and open access materials provided in their own CST practice. Thus facilitating and supporting the provision of uplifting and enjoyable sessions that optimise people with dementia's quality of life.

This site is not owned by or affiliated to any organisation. It is a personal unpaid commitment with no intention whatsoever of profit-making. However, costs for web package, domain page & YouTube & Spotify subscription can be supported via a donation. 

Please note that some images are copied from the public domain under the 'fair use copyright' principle, in that they will only be used for educational purposes with disability groups only and not be used for profit.

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