Here is a summer based CST activities page, based on children's toys and games. It can be used to help celebrate 'International Children's Day' on 1st June.
Start the session by asking what are members favourite or most remembered toys or games. Ask members to tell a story about their childhood involving play time.
Ask people to bring a piece of A4 paper to the session. During the group, ask members to make a paper aeroplane, which flies more than say 5 feet.
Also, ask members to bring a piece of string and together make a Cat's Cradle. Here is an instructive video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM53k3pKCqg
Then complete the picture and music quiz together together. Here goes ...
(There is a lot of content here, so it might be wise to be selective with the questions or split the activity, depending on time available and concentration of members.)
(Yo could either print off screen shots for the tables, or if broadcasting click on the first picture to open a slide show.)

Ask members to complete these well known phrases, by way of a shout out ...
Out of the mouths of BABES
Babe in the WOODS
Born with a silver spoon in your MOUTH
Blue eyed BOY
It's child's PLAY
Mummy's BOY
Daddy's GIRL
New kid on theBLOCK
All work and no play makes Jack A DULL BOY
Children should be seen AND NOT HEARD
Don't throw the baby out with THE BATHWATER
Like father, LIKE SON
The apple doesn't fall far from the TREE
Never tell tales OUT OF SCHOOL
Spare the rod and spoil the CHILD
Like a kid in a candy SHOP
Wet behind the EARS

Singalong - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnBT9bjUbcM
Ask members what would they take with them if they were having a picnic? Where would they like to go?
ROUND 1. Outdoor Games
Ask members to name the game.
For bonus points, ask members to describe how the game was played.
Do members remember old parks?
What were these rides called?

SONG BREAK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ90ZqH0PWI
ROUND 2. Name These Top Ten Toys
For each of these ten photos, ask members to write down (or shout out) the names of the toys.
Also which of them they actually owned.
Ask members how they would be used.
Comedy sketch

Before watching, which of the above toys was involved?

SONG BREAK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf9Wg2OkSbE
REMINISCENCE. Who still has their childhood Teddy? What is/was their name?
ROUND 3. Creative Games
Name the game +
How would you change the image?
How do YOU start?
In which country was it invented?
What type of paints were used?
How would you erase it?
What was it fragranced with?
Could you draw any straight lines?
Who invented the game (he also invented trainsets)?

SONG BREAK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gntArSV4SoU
ROUND 4. Board Games
Name the board game +
How much do you get for passing 'Go'?
Name the six character suspects?
What are the two most valuable tiles?
How do you score a goal?
What do you go up and down?
What are the six categories and colours?
Name the five different ships?
What are the names of the six different pieces?
What do Americans call it?
What happens at the end?

Does anyone remember this TV game show?
Who were the two presenters?
Here's the TV theme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hExLsJlaI

SONG BREAK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xZmlUV8muY
Who is singing backing vocals? (Kate Bush of course!)
ROUND 5. Electronic Games
What game is being played here? What do Americans call it?
What game is being played here?
Name (some of) the thirteen body parts in a game of 'Operation'?
Name the game? How old is it? (Nearest guess)
Name the toy? Which disgraced ex celebrity was associated with it?
Name the biggest maker of model railways? Which rock star recently revealed he is a model railway enthusiast? (see below)
Name the game? What chases you?
Name the game? What is the aim?
How do you play a game of 'Simon'?
What was Mario's job?

SONG BREAK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaxSamtbnsg
Maybe ask members to stand up and do the moves?

CLOSING SONG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92cwKCU8Z5c
Maybe have some prizes on hand to share around. Or, you could play a game of 'Pass The Parcel'?
Play a game of ...
Or make an origami fortune teller. There are lots of templates on line ...

Leap Frog
Hide & Seek
Conkers (How would members have made them winning conkers?)
Sack Race
Wheelbarrow Race
Egg & Spoon Race
Musical Chairs
Witches hat
Climbing frame
Go cart
Roller Skates
Hula Hoop
Pogo Stick
Space Hopper
Yo Yo
Ken & Barbie Dolls
Action Man
Dinky Toy
Rubik's Cube
Kaleidoscope / Turn the view finder
Jigsaw / Start with the edges or group colours
Lego / Denmark
Acrylic paints
Etch A Sketch / Shake it upside down
Play Doh / Cherry & Vanilla
Spirograph / Yes. There were two rulers included
Meccanno / Trevor Hornby
Monopoly / £200
Cluedo / Miss Scarlet, Mrs White, Mrs Peacock, Reverend Green, Professor Plum & Colonel Mustard
Scrabble / Q & Z are both worth 10 points
Subbutteo / Flick the player to hit the ball into the net
Snakes & Ladders / Up Ladders, Down Snakes
Trivial Pursuit / Orange - Sport, Blue - Geography, Yellow - History, Green - Science and Nature, Pink - Entertainment & Brown - Art and Literature
Battleships / Carrier, Battleship, Cruiser, Submarine & Destroyer
Chess / King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook & Pawn
Draughts / Checkers
Mousetrap / The man dives into the pool and the trap falls onto the mouse
BBC Testcard / Noughts & Crosses (Americans call it 'Tic Tac Toe')
Ping Pong or Table Tennis
Operation / Adam's apple, Broken Heart, Wrenched Ankle, Butterflies In Stomach, Spare Ribs, Water On Knee, Funny Bone, Charlie Horse, Writer's Cramp, Ankle Bone Connected To The Knee Bone, Wish Bone, Bread Basket & Brain Freeze
Scalextric / 1957
Stlyophone / Rolf Harris
Hornby Train Set / Rod Stewart
Pac Man / Coloured ghosts
Space Invaders / Prevent aliens reaching the earth
Simon / Memorise colours and notes sequence
Super Mario / Plumber